CSG Free Shoalhaven

We are a group calling for a CSG Free Shoalhaven as there is community opposition to coal seam gas exploration, and Leichhardt Resources' exploration licence PEL469.


Community opposition to coal seam gas exploration, and Leichhardt Resources’ exploration licence PEL469. We are calling for a CSG Free Shoalhaven.

Coal seam gas (CSG) company Leichhardt Resources announced in February 2013 plans to drill exploration wells for CSG in the Shoalhaven. This followed a decision by the NSW Government to renew the exploration licence (PEL469) which covers the Shoalhaven, parts of the Illawarra and Southern Highlands. We are calling for a CSG Free Shoalhaven.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: CSG Free Shoalhaven

Facebook: CSG Free Shoalhaven