Crisis Coalition

We are a dedicated group of individuals who want to raise awareness of the real reality of a planet in Crisis. I saw Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth in New York in June 2006.


We are a dedicated group of individuals who want to raise awareness of the real reality of a planet in Crisis. I saw Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth in New York in June 2006. The very last picture, shown for only a few seconds, of the melt around the edges of the Greenland ice shield was the most shocking. I suddenly realised we were no longer talking of hundreds of years but of ten. The consequences of warming are here now. I had to act. Others feel as I do. We have formed the Climate Coalition to spur everyone to act now – for if we don’t the seas will rise and humans on our heavily populated planet will be at each other’s throats for survival.

John JamesJohn James – Professionally, I have been trained to assimilate large amounts of data and find the patterns in it. I have applied this ability to medieval history and to transpersonal therapy, and now to the material collected on this site. I can no longer stand by when I see how my children and grandchildren could suffer from the greed and selfishness of my generation. For more information on my work and on the training’s and workshops of the Crucible Centre

Alan Williams Alan Williams – I’m a geographer, and worked for over 15 years in the oil & gas industry. As father of two beautiful teenage girls I cannot sit on my hands and watch as short-term government and industry self-interests destroy our world. My training showed me that it CAN be in the interests of industry to become carbon-neutral, and that as individuals, we CAN do something to leave a positive legacy so our children may be proud of us.

Sue PearsonSue Pearson – I am a mother of two teenage boys and have built a design and retail business over the last 25 years. By constantly responding to changing market and consumer directions my forte has become creative problem-solving and forecasting future trends. I believe we are now reaching a critical stage in human evolution which is inextricably linked to the health of the planet. As world renowned nutritionalist Nathan Pritikin said, “If you would rather die than change your ways then you will”. It is imperative that we start making changes now to ensure a sustainable future for our children. Who knows, it may turn out to be even better than we thought possible.

Colin Crawford-Smith – I have been an environmental advocate and have worked in the energy sector since 1980, and recently for positive change in business to reduce greenhouse emissions. I have focused my expertise reducing emissions in the energy industries and on all aspects of green energy markets, technologies & regulation. I have built a successful consulting business, GreenPower Services, around the expansion of zero & low emission energy supply and the installation energy efficiency measures across Australia. In 1994 I was a founder of the Green Power products now offered by nearly all retail electricity companies in the country who collectively are now serving 300,000 customers Australia wide and still growing. (sourced 6/12/2022 from Wayback Machine)

Extinction is OUR choice, unless……. within the next 8 years we have STOPPED using fossil fuels, PLANTED millions of trees, ended logging, and PREPARED our cities and agriculture for the inevitable sea rise. OTHERWISE OUR CHILDREN MAY NOT SURVIVE

Extinction of life on Earth through Global Warming. For the proofs of our situation (all fully referenced) read this file. And for the most immediate threat in 2014 from a gigantic burp of methane please read this report and please start writing to and influencing your politicians. Also look at my talk on “Global Warming, National Security and Ethics” to the Independent Scholars of Australia in Canberra, October 2007. It can be viewed here. Scientists have become increasingly anxious about global warming and our future on this planet. Since late 2005 fear of global warming has made them increasingly concerned. The evidence is now overwhelming – we have glimpsed what the future may portend. It is urgent because only a slight increase in temperature is needed to trigger tipping points that cannot then be reversed. This will release vast quantities of greenhouse gas that will have a catastrophic effect on life. Temperatures could rise by 5 degrees in a decade, so how much time do we have? The question for humanity is: can global warming be prevented? There is now enough CO2 already in the air, so were we to STOP all burning of fossil fuels immediately, STOP driving all cars and trucks and STOP devastating our forests – and did so NOW – temperatures would still continue to rise for at least another two decades! We wont be doing that – will we? Nor will Big-Oil nor will Big-Coal nor will our governments! Then watch out!! For by the time we get around to it – and convince China and India etc etc to do the same – the earth’s mean temperature could have increased by at least 2 degrees centigrade. This may not seem a lot, but when the whole globe gets close to this temperature we now know from recent scientific evidence that the following consequences are more than plausible, and these tipping points could happen abruptly:-
– There are vast stores of CO2 and methane held in forests, in the oceans and in the soil. Before 2 degrees is reached these greenhouse gases will start to seep into the atmosphere. This will increase temperatures further, triggering the emission of more carbon dioxide and methane – and a dangerous and unstoppable feedback loop will have started. The warming of permafrost in Siberia is a major concern.
– The affect of global warming on Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets, especially Greenland and the Western Antarctic, will be devastating. The process of disintegration has already started, and will soon be irreversible. Complete collapse of these two areas would raise sea levels by more than 14 metres.
– Trees will be under considerable stress, and whole species may be wiped out either by the heat or by insect pests that flourish in a warmer climate. This is already happening in north America. Bush fires will be more frequent and larger, each time releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
– The great tropical forests of the Amazon, Borneo and the Congo are being over-logged and tests have shown they are likely to collapse if drought lasts more than three years. These forests are the major CO2 sinks.
– As a result, supplies of food and water will be greatly diminished from flooding, sea level rise, drought and chaotic weather.
– Close to a billion people will be forced to search for new homes. This unwanted immigration will force nations to resort to extreme measures including nuclear war.
– Continued global warming will turn our lovely planet into a greenhouse of hell for all living things as habitats are threatened. It has happened before in the Eocene Warming and can again.

Therefore we have to prepare. Government must galvanise now to protect our children from imminent danger. Everywhere, everyone, must STOP using fossil fuels, PLANT trees while still PREPARING for the worst … within the next 8 years. We cannot allow our world to be destroyed. Failure is not an option. Every MOTHER knows that even a ten percent possibility that we could DAMAGE OUR CHILDREN is unacceptable. WOMEN EVERYWHERE – urge your men to read this and start running their lives differently.

YOU can prevent further warming NOW Personally and Politically. Every item of information comes from the most recent and reputable scientific sources and published dialogues. As citations would impede the text, and as most may be looked up on the web, we decided not to fill the text with them.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Crisis Coalition