Climate Action Now Sunshine Coast

We are passionate about the need to preserve a liveable world and create a more just society. and plan to achieve our goals through organising action and public education and building a network with other groups engaged in climate change work.


​We are an inclusive, grassroots community of people, connected by our deep concerns about the future viability of our planet. We are passionate about the need to preserve a liveable world and create a more just society. We plan to achieve our goals through organising action and public education and building a network with other groups engaged in climate change work. Think global act local: Push for Sunshine Coast Council to declare climate emergency and take stronger more urgent action in response to this global crisis.

If we needed reminding that we are already in the midst of an existential global climate crisis, 2020 provided dramatic evidence to most people across Australia:
– rolling heatwaves with historical records tumbling in many centres across the country and reaching a new maximum of 48.9 degrees
– devastating mega wildfires that burnt 21% of eastern Australia’s temperate broadleaf and mixed forests; historically, 2-3% of these forests burn annually
– smoke haze blanketing large parts of eastern Australia, with Sydney recording its worst ever air quality to date, at levels considered hazardous to human health by WHO
– major flooding events in many parts of the country, with Sydney suffering its worst flooding in 30 years
– serious coastal erosion threatening both natural and build environments.

To push home the point that “we’re all in this together”, the Covid-19 pandemic showed how no part of the world is spared these global phenomena. The Climate Council’s latest report: Hitting Home: The Compounding Costs of Climate Inaction outlines the latest science on how climate change is driving more destructive droughts, heatwaves, fires, floods and other extreme events. The report finds that 2019-20 was the most intense period yet for extreme weather, capping off a decade of climate inaction that has cost the Australian economy more than $35 billion. Time is fast running out to take serious action to prevent runaway global heating. If you feel powerless to do anything meaningful in the face of this climate emergency, you are encouraged to join a local group of like-minded people. Don’t underestimate the power of people! For example a grass roots campaign to push the Sunshine Coast Council to join more than 100 other jurisdictions in Australia and declare a climate emergency; set a target of net zero emissions by 2030 (rather than its current inadequate 2041 target); and start implementing policies and actions to attain this, achieved a significant milestone in less than 12 months of campaigning.

The Council unanimously passed of motion on 10 November 2021 recognising that we’re in a climate emergency and committing to report on progress the Zero-net Emissions plan by 31 March 2022. Local governments have a key role in achieving a nation-wide climate emergency response by demonstrating successful initiatives at a community level through education, mobilisation, mitigation and resilience building. They can also encourage other councils to implement climate emergency responses and lobby the state and federal governments to adopt and fund a full climate emergency response. SCCAN was instrumental in establishing a network of climate-focussed groups on the Coast: Urgent Climate Action Network Sunshine Coast (UCANSC), which is running the climate emergency declaration (CED) campaign. Contact Fergus FitzGerald at [email protected] or on 0458 880 572 to become involved, or for more information on the climate emergency declaration campaign. We will promote campaigns which mutually support our goals and strengthen our combined efforts. Our vision is to eliminate the reliance on the culture of fossil fuelled energy and see an urgent transition to renewable energy sources. For the first time in human history we have the technology to bring about such a radical change. We can do it and for the sake of life on the planet we must!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Climate Emergency Declaration CANSC





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Website: Climate Action Now Sunshine Coast

Facebook: Climate Action Now Sunshine Coast