Climate Action Newtown

Climate Action Newtown (CAN) is a local community organisation based in Newtown NSW.


Join the campaign against climate change. Climate Action Newtown (CAN) is a local community organisation based in Newtown NSW. Our aim is to persuade our governments to take meaningful action against global warming. CAN is a not-for profit organisation. All members are volunteers and the group is not aligned with any political party. New active members are always welcome!

Click here to subscribe to the monthly newsletter where you can find out more about upcoming activities and breaking news about climate change. You can unsubscribe at any time. Our goal is to create awareness among the local community that we are faced with a real climate emergency, and create pressure on our elected representatives to take strong action against climate change. We believe Australia needs to take urgent steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition our economy to a low carbon future based on 100% renewable energy.

Our members are local residents from the inner-west of Sydney. We have strong links with other groups in our community including environmental organisations, local student organisations, bike groups and the local food coop. All member of Climate Action Newtown are volunteers and the group is politically unaligned. Join us! On your own it is hard to take action against climate change, but together we can make a difference. If you live in Newtown, Redfern, Marrickville, Glebe, Leichhardt or any other part of Sydney’s inner west, email Lindsay at [email protected] to find out more. We meet every second Wednesday, 6:30pm in Newtown. Membership is free, email us to find out where we meet. Come along, new members are always welcome!

Climate Scepticism? There’s an app for that…Forget getting heckled or out-debated, here’s a neat app to stop those dinner table conversations getting out of hand…

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Climate Action Newtown





Federal Electorate: ,


Website: Climate Action Newtown

Facebook: Climate Action Newtown