A group of Coogee residents doing their part to prevent dangerous global climate change! What can YOU do to prevent dangerous climate change?
– Register your interest in RALLYING AT COMMONWEALTH PARLIAMENT HOUSE! 12.30pm at Federation Mall, out the front of Parliament House, ON 21 September 2008 to deliver thousands of the new, updated Climate Protection Bill postcards to local MPs at Parliament House – go to www.climateride.org.au or email [email protected] to be added to the contact list;
– Get active in your local community – join Climate Action Coogee by coming to our monthly meetings (see below) or getting on our email list, or start your own group.
– Register for the Camp for Climate Action happening in the Newcastle area 10 – 15 July 2008, together with 7 other camps in Europe and North America at the same time. CAC will be having an affinity group there – please let us know if you would like to be part of it, or bring your own group! Find out more here: www.climatecamp.org.au.
– MAKE A SUBMISSION TO THE GARNAUT REVIEW – a “Stern Review” for Australia – by 11 April 2008 (or 18 April on emissions trading) at: www.garnautreview.org.au
– Invite our schools subgroup to present our 60-90 minute SCHOOLS PRESENTATION to your child’s class (primary or high school), or if you’re a teacher, get involved with the project to bring it to your school – email [email protected] to get involved.
– Contact your local Federal and State MPs, or better still meet with them in person, to let them know you want them to support the Climate Protection Bill and take action on climate change;
– If you haven’t already, change to greenpower at home (and lobby your workplace to do so) – have a look at the Commonwealth Government’s greenpower site www.greenpower.gov.au to pick your preferred provider. Make sure you get 100% Accredited Green Power – this comes from new renewable sources so encourages investment in Australia’s renewable energy industry.
– Invest in a solar hot water system at home if you can, or lobby your landlord or the Owners’ Corporation to do the same – massive rebates are available from State and Federal, and sometimes local, governments now to install these. Burning coal to heat water to drive steam to make electricity to heat water is the most ludicrous waste of energy, especially when we can do it so much cheaper directly from the sun!
– Take public transport as much as possible – if you’re in Sydney, plan your route on www.131500.info, it’s easy! Then you can read a book and relax rather than fighting traffic and trawling for parking! Or ride your bike – it is generally quicker – and healthier – to ride a bike than drive over distances less than 5km (and to catch a bus over distances of less than 10km!). If you need a car and don’t have one, check out carshare schemes in your area – in coogee try www.goget.com.au.
– Buy local produce rather than food that has clocked up “food miles” – burnt fossil fuels in transporting and refrigerating food over vast distances, either in Australia or from overseas.
OUR MEETINGS: CAC meets at 4pm on the last Sunday of the month (or if it’s a long weekend, the previous or next Sunday) at various locations around Coogee (finding a free, accessible, quiet regular venue has proved a struggle – if you can offer one, let us know!) – e.g. the RSL on Carr St; TeaScapes Cafe at the Spot; or Coogee Seniors Hall, 97 Brook St Coogee. If you’re coming to a meeting for the first time call Jacquie on 0434 223 789 to confirm the venue.