Climate Protection Bill

The Climate Protection Bill, drafted by Climate Action Coogee members between February and May 2007 and now endorsed by climate action groups and individuals around Australia, sets out 19 points to start phasing out fossil fuels and turning to sustainable, carbon-neutral alternatives, and redesign cities and lifestyles so ecological sustainability is central.
The passing of a "Climate Protection Bill" by Australian government. The bill was written by members of Climate Action Coogee.


Australian communities demand legislation not procrastination. This campaign is inspired by the success of a community driven Climate Change Bill in the UK, which has achieved laws to cut greenhouse pollution and promote a clean energy future. In 2005, communities across the UK decided they wanted their politicians to take action on climate change. They seized on a draft Climate Change Bill put together by green groups, and 130,000 people across the country contacted their MP to support it. In response, 400 MPs voted for the Bill and when passed in Parliament, the UK will become the first country to legislate binding limits on greenhouse pollution. Now, in the lead up to Australia’s 2007 federal election, community climate groups across the country have written a Climate Protection Bill. This Bill comprehensively addresses the causes of Australia’s spiraling greenhouse gas emissions, and proposes workable solutions to stem these emissions, protecting the future for our children, the world’s most vulnerable communities and our fragile planet. The Climate Protection Bill is a powerful tool for community members. It unifies the concerns of Australians across the country, and gives each of us a set of demands to take to our politicians and candidates before the 2007 federal election.

Want to know more?
For more information, you can read the overview of the 19 points of the Climate Protection Bill. Or, download the complete Climate Protection Bill.

What can you do?
• Support the Climate Protection Bill by adding your name below! You can check out the list of groups and individuals already supporting here.
• For maximum impact, support this Bill as a group (community group, faith-based group, NGO, etc) and get the members and supporters of your group to all add their details.
• Support the Climate Protection Bill Get your community behind the Bill by downloading the petition here and gathering support through stalls and meetings.
• Get active and make your voice heard even louder by downloading the lobbying kit which has tips on finding, contacting and meeting your local politicians. This kit also has tips on accessing your local newspaper and other media.
• Promote the Bill online by adding the button on the right to your own web pages. Just right-click the image, save it on your computer then upload it to your own site and make it link to

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Action Coogee

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Australian Parliament

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2007 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: A version of the Bill was introduced to parliament in 2008 by Tony Windsor - but did not proceed A journal article about the process was published in 2009

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Climate Protection Bill