We are a national online campaign that gives ordinary people all over Australia a very quick and easy way to send short messages, by email or letter, to let our politicians know we want real leadership and much stronger policies to urgently address the threat of climate change. The aim of the campaign is to make it so easy for Australian citizens to take effective political action that thousands will do it. Simply provide us with your email address and we will regularly send you:
Information about some current political aspect of climate change
A prepared email to a politician, that you can send as it is, or add a message of your own if you wish.
The information is fairly basic – mostly about a current issue in the media – the sort of thing any ordinary person may have noticed. Three clicks of your mouse is all it needs to take this political action. Contact details for writing a letter will also be given. To effectively reduce Australia’s contribution to climate change, we need to act:
personally by limiting our own contribution to carbon emissions, and
politically by pressuring our elected representatives to legislate the actions that are beyond the scope of individuals.
The aim of the Citizens Climate Campaign is to make it so easy for Australian citizens to take effective political action on this issue that thousands will do it. We are now 1,088 strong. Dr Tim Flannery, 2007 Australian of the Year, in his book The Weather Makers, gives a climate change checklist of actions and their impacts. He says that writing to a politician can change the world. A few minutes now and again, at your computer, will add your voice to the growing number of Australian citizens who want their political leaders to take effective action on climate change. We want them to lead – not reluctantly follow. If you provide us with your email address, we will regularly send you:
Information about some current aspect of climate change
A prepared email to a politician, that you can –
send as it is, or
add a message of your own if you wish.
The information is fairly basic – mostly about a recent issue in the media – the sort of thing any ordinary person may have noticed. It’s as simple as that! Click here to join.