Central Queensland Climate Action Network

Central Queensland Climate Action Network encourage folks from groups in Central Queensland who are working on climate issues or leading climate related campaigns or actions and events, to collaborate and share events and information.


Purpose of group is networking, discussion and ideas. Share your fossil free work, play, photos, videos and strategies here. This is a space where we encourage folks from groups in Central Queensland who are working on climate issues or leading climate related campaigns or actions and events, to collaborate and share events and information. What is Climate Justice? Climate Justice is a global movement for a sustainable, peaceful future for all of us. Treaties with First Nations peoples. Art not war. Equal rights and freedoms. Clean air, land and water for all. Care and respect for forests, oceans, ecosystems and the creatures that inhabit them. Renewable energy; coral not coal. We do not wait for our ‘leaders’ to fail us. We bring the change the world wants to see. (sourced 29/9/2022 from Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/CQClimateActionNetwork)

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Facebook: Central Queensland Climate Action Network