Catholic Earthcare Australia

Catholic Earthcare Australia works to generate ecological dialogue to care for our common home.


Catholic Earthcare is a program of Caritas Australia undertaking ecological justice projects for the Catholic Church in Australia. Our purpose is to enable a loving and sustainable relationship with the natural world through environmental education, research, national networks, advocacy and transformation. Through our work, including key initiatives such as Earthcare Schools and Earthcare Parishes, we promote the understanding that our environment is sacred and endangered and must be protected and sustained for present and future generations.

We invite all people to journey with us in the most critical and urgent of tasks – of safeguarding the integrity of Creation, acting on climate change, protecting Earth’s fragile ecosystems and providing a voice for the victims of environmental degradation, injustice and pollution. (

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Catholic Earthcare Australia

Facebook: Catholic Earthcare Australia