Walk against Warming

The Walk Against Warming campaign gave people an opportunity to demonstrate that, twelve months since last year's federal election, you still care about climate change and expect our Prime Minister to do more to reduce Australia's greenhouse emissions.
The Prime Minister should to do more to reduce Australia's greenhouse emissions


Thursday, November 13: Walk Against Warming: next Saturday

The 2008 Brisbane Walk Against Warming: This Saturday November 15th – 12.30pm @ Queens Park, Brisbane. At 12.30pm this Saturday November 15th, GetUp is inviting you to join thousands of concerned citizens in Queens Park to demonstrate that, twelve months since last year’s federal election, you still care about climate change and expect our Prime Minister to do more to reduce Australia’s greenhouse emissions. Register your attendance for Saturday here, and we’ll send you a free reminder text message an hour before the rally: www.getup.org.au/campaign/WalkAgainstWarming&id=425

When our politicians are sitting around the table in a few weeks trying to decide how ambitious they can be with Australia’s targets to reduce greenhouse emissions, we need them to remember Walk Against Warming. When Prime Minister Kevin Rudd watches the Saturday night news, we need him to see images of thousands of Australians on the streets calling for a new, prosperous green economy filled with renewable energy and green-collar jobs. We need your face to be amongst those people – along with your friends, family and neighbours. Register your attendance for Saturday here, and we’ll send you a free reminder text message an hour before the rally: www.getup.org.au/campaign/WalkAgainstWarming&id=425. Clean energy, strong climate targets, and a safe future. It was worth voting for, it’s worth fighting for; and its worth coming out this Saturday for.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Emergency Network Brisbane

Campaign Target Type: , ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: The Prime Minister

Groups - Other: GetUp!,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2008 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:


Walk against Warming