Victorian Coalition: Action on Climate, Protect Health

Sixteen health organisations and twenty- three health experts have written an open letter to the Liberal-National Coalition in Victoria calling on them to support action on climate change to protect public health.
Allow the Victorian Climate Change Bill 2016 to pass through Parliament


On February 20th 2017, we delivered a letter to Mary Wooldridge MP, Shadow Minister for Health and Leader of the Opposition in the upper house in Victoria, signed by sixteen health organisations and twenty-three health experts, calling on her and the Coalition to allow the Victorian Climate Change Bill 2016 to pass through Parliament:

Sixteen health organisations and twenty- three health experts have written an open letter to the Liberal-National Coalition in Victoria calling on them to support action on climate change to protect public health. See a video of the delivery and the full letter here. On February 20th 2017, we delivered a letter to Mary Wooldridge MP, Shadow Minister for Health and Leader of the Opposition in the upper house in Victoria, signed by sixteen health organisations and twenty-three health experts, calling on her and the Coalition to allow the Victorian Climate Change Bill 2016 to pass through Parliament:

The Victorian Coalition will vote on the Victorian Climate Change Bill 2016 tomorrow. After health organisations and health experts have sent the Coalition a very clear message requesting that they vote in favour of climate action to protect health, we think the people of Mary Wooldridge MP’s electorate deserve to know how they vote. Click here to chip in to help us buy an ad in the Whitehorse Leader to let members of Mary Wooldridge’s electorate know how the Coalition votes on climate change on Feb 21st, and what this will mean for Victorians’ health.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Healthy Futures

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Victorian State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2017 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: The Victorian Climate Change Bill 2016 was successfully passed by Parliament

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Victorian Coalition: Action on Climate, Protect Health