Healthy Futures

We're a network of health professionals, students & supporters organising to reduce pollution & protect health.


Mobilising Health Workers for a Healthy Climate. Climate change is the greatest threat to our global health and health workers are perfectly positioned to tackle this health and climate emergency. Healthy Futures is campaigning for a world where communities can thrive with clean air, clean energy and a safe and safe climate. We are a non-profit organisation that engages and empowers health professionals, students and community members to protect health by tackling climate change and fossil fuel pollution. We’re striving to replace polluting fossil fuels with clean, renewable energy around Australia this decade. Our goal is in line with World Health Organisation recommendations for countries like ours to end coal burning by 2030. We believe anyone serious about promoting a healthy future cannot ignore the threat that climate change represents to our planet and our health. By working together we can advocate for change and improve the lives of people and the environment.

How does Healthy Futures work?
We campaign. Healthy Futures takes action, using people power to influence decision makers to effectively address health-related impacts of climate change.
We inspire. We raise awareness of the health impacts of climate change, especially the impacts of toxic air pollution from fossil fuels, educating audiences on health and pollution.
We mobilise. We engage healthcare workers and allies across the country to become active on climate change from a health perspective to help reduce pollution, mobilising them to put their concerns into action.
We are on the frontline. We work on the ground with frontline coal communities in the Hunter Valley, NSW; Latrobe Valley, Vic; and Rockhampton, Queensland because these are the communities hit hardest by the health impacts of coal pollution.
We collaborate. We work with other health, community and environmental organisations to gain the best possible outcomes from our health and our climate.

Join Us! Healthy Futures is a movement of healthcare workers and friends and we would love you to get involved. You can sign-up for regular email updates, become a volunteer or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Find out more about
• Our team
• Our campaigns

Healthy Futures is a proud affiliate of Friends of the Earth Australia.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Ethical Switch

Hesta and First State Divest from Fossil Fuels

Victorian Coalition: Action on Climate, Protect Health




Website: Healthy Futures

Facebook: Healthy Futures