Stop CSG Sydney

Stop CSG Sydney, formerly known as Sydney Residents Against Coal Seam Gas (SRACSG), is a community group campaigning to stop Coal Seam Gas (CSG) mining in Sydney and to stop the expansion of CSG mining across NSW. We undertake a variety of activities including making submissions to all relevant authorities (federal, state and local) about our aims. We also organise community meetings, rallies, lobbying and other actions to achieve the objectives of Stop CSG Sydney.
Stop CSG


Stop CSG Sydney, formerly known as Sydney Residents Against Coal Seam Gas (SRACSG), is a community group campaigning to stop Coal Seam Gas (CSG) mining in Sydney and to stop the expansion of CSG mining across NSW. In November 2010 residents of St Peters in Sydney’s inner west found out that the NSW Labor government had approved an exploration license to drill for Coal Seam Gas (CSG) close to homes and schools in St Peters. The license had been granted with no community consultation and insufficient risk assessment.

Stop CSG-Sydney is a non-partisan group of concerned citizens united around the following objectives:
1. To permanently stop all coal seam gas and unconventional gas mining activities in St Peters, and across Sydney;
2. To achieve a moratorium on coal seam gas and other unconventional gas mining projects pending the outcome of a Royal Commission into the long and short-term physical, social, economic and environmental impacts of the industry;
3. A ban on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and similar coal bed ‘stimulation’ technologies and techniques.

We undertake a variety of activities including making submissions to all relevant authorities (federal, state and local) about our aims. We also organise community meetings, rallies, lobbying and other actions to achieve the objectives of Stop CSG Sydney. Please get involved as your voice is needed and together we can make a difference. Enquiries: [email protected].

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Stop CSG Sydney

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: NSW State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: CSG mining continues across much of the country

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stop CSG Sydney