Stop CSG

The campaign for a ban on CSG mining and exploration in NSW catchments has so far stopped approved drilling in the Woronora and Upper Nepean catchments going ahead... It has not yet won a ban.
A ban on CSG development in drinking water catchments, A ban on fracking, A freeze on CSG exploration and mining, A royal commission into the impacts of CSG development


It’s not too late to stop this. The campaign for a ban on CSG mining and exploration in NSW catchments has so far stopped approved drilling in the Woronora and Upper Nepean catchments going ahead. It has also forced a change in NSW Government rhetoric – though not action. It has not yet won a ban. The gains so far have been made by community members finding out what’s going on, doing what we can, and standing together to stop it.

Connect, stay informed, get involved! Select a local group…
– Blue Mountains
– Illawarra
– Macarthur (SW Sydney)
– Sutherland (Sydney)
– Sydney (Inner West)
– Sydney Water Catchment (Oakdale)
– I’m not near any of these
… Please get in touch using the links above. More people need to get involved for this campaign to protect our water and win a ban. It can’t be up to “someone else”.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Stop CSG

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: NSW State Government| Federal Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: While NSW does permit unconventional exploration, the state government considers itself as having the “toughest” regulations in Australia – specifically in relation to CSG. In 2014, amid pressure from environmentalists and farmers, the NSW Government froze new CSG exploration licences and introduced exclusion zones, making residential areas in 152 local government areas of the state, including Sydney, “off limits” to new CSG activity. The exclusion zones also ban CSG activity within a 2km buffer around any future residential areas or critical industry clusters. While the freeze on exploration has now been lifted, no new licences have been granted and the state government has even bought back some exploration blocks it had previously awarded.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stop CSG