Shift to Clean Energy and Cut Pollution

This campaign called on the federal government to commit to a national Clean Energy Transformation Plan so Australia can shift to 100 per cent clean energy.
Federal government to commit to a national Clean Energy Transformation Plan


Shift to clean energy and cut pollution: We love a sun-powered country

We love a sunpowered country
A handful of companies are burning dirty energy like coal, polluting our skies and fuelling global warming. We want to live in a world where life can thrive. Where we power our lives with clean energy from the sun and wind. A world where we use energy wisely. A world where the idea of extinction is extinct and the places we love are no longer under threat. Where our Great Barrier Reef is still a natural wonder. A world where businesses create opportunities by working in harmony with nature, and people work in jobs with a future. Where our economic decisions are shaped by what we value in life. A world where our children and future generations can thrive.

100% clean energy. 100% possible. We know how to create this world. We have the technology. Communities across our wide brown land have already started. But our government, bewitched by a handful of big polluting companies, is slowing us down. Our pollution crisis means the changes we must make are more urgent than ever and we have no time to lose. Together, we must roll up our sleeves and build the pathway to our clean energy future as we go. We’re calling on our federal government to commit to a national Clean Energy Transformation Plan so Australia can shift to 100 per cent clean energy, transition away from the dirty energy of the past, and use energy wisely.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Conservation Foundation

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Our federal government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2017 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Overall rating on the Climate Action Tracker at 24/2/2022 is that Australia's progress is 'Highly insufficient'. As stated on website 'The Australian government has ramped up its “gas-fired recovery” over a green economic recovery, refused to increase its 2030 domestic emissions target, and is not on track to meet its current target. The CAT’s new overall rating for Australia is “Highly Insufficient”. The government appears intent on replacing fossil fuels with fossil fuels: the 2021-22 budget allocates large sums (AUD 52.9m) to gas infrastructure projects and a gas-fired power station (AUD 30m), with no new support for renewable energy nor electric vehicles.' Sourced 24/2/2022 from

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Shift to Clean Energy and Cut Pollution