Protect our Limestone Coast

Congratulations to all those communities who have participated in this community-driven survey. This great example of grass-roots democracy. 38 Limestone Coast communities road surveyed now! An average of 95% of people in these communities have said YES to being Industrial Gasfield and Inv Mining Free communities.
Protect our Limestone Coast from unconventional mining and exploration


Thirty eight Limestone Coast communities road surveyed. June 3, 2016.

Congratulations to all those communities who have participated in this community-driven survey. This great example of grass-roots democracy. 38 Limestone Coast communities road surveyed now! An average of 95% of people in these communities have said YES to being Industrial Gasfield and Inv Mining Free communities. Declaring communities Gasfield Free is just the beginning. The reality is, we still have a number of obstacles to overcome. Many of the politicians seem determined to expand unconventional gasfields Our verdant, productive region is in danger. The only option we have now is to grow a strong citizens’ roots campaign to put pressure on decision makers. The key to building a social movement is staying connected. We hope you will choose to stay on our e list to receive occasional campaign updates. The other thing that is helpful is if people join together in small Action Groups to do creative campaign activities. This kind of collaboration can be very rewarding. We don’t have to be experts in anything….just committed people who love our region. If you would like to survey your community or find out how to connect with others to protect our region from gasfields, please give Sue a call on 0408 820 797 or email [email protected].

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Politicians

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Protect our Limestone Coast