Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

Limestone Coast Protection Alliance wants to raise awareness amongst all Australians about the dangers and issues involved with Mining Exploration in the South East of South Australia.


Protect Limestone Coast. Limestone Coast Protection Alliance wants to raise awareness amongst all Australians about the dangers and issues involved with Mining Exploration in the South East of South Australia. Click here to read our consitution. Contact us to find out what you can do. The Limestone Coast Protection Alliance are a not for profit incorporated association and we rely on community donations to fund the important work we do to protect the SE of SA from gasfield industrialization.

Flyers, LCPA / LTG Mining Free Community Survey Coordinator, GF Survey data entry coordinator, Orders for docs, LTG signs and dvd’s, speaker. contact 0459 808 437 and [email protected] and visit

What you can do to help
Our most precious resource is Water and the Limestone Coast is totally dependant upon under-ground water for:
• our towns
• our industries
• our livestock
• our irrigation crops
• our wetlands & natural ecosystems

If Invasive Industrial Gasfields pollute our groundwater or compromise our water supply then the consequences for our people, our environment, and our industries will be devastating.

Support and be part of one strong Limestone Coast Community voice and protect our WATER.
– Join the Limestone Coast Protection Alliance (m/ship attached)
– Tell your MP that you want drilling stopped before it’s too late
– Write letters to local councils and politicians (sample letters & council addresses attached)
– Attend public information sessions
– Get a copy of “Fractured Country ” An Unconventional Invasion” film & hold informal get togethers to help inform & educate your friends & neighbours (available by phoning 0459 808 437)
– Say no to mining companies and attach “Lock the Gate” signs to your property (available from
– Help conduct road surveys in your local community & say Yes to your road survey Q – Do you want your road/district to be gasfield free?
– Attend rallies – to date – Penola, Naracoorte & Mt Gambier

Outcomes so far from raised public awareness
• The Robe Council has called for a moratorium
• Local Politicians had to declare their position on fracking at State Election
• The Liberal Party representative, Troy Bell promised an inquiry
• Nick Xenaphon, Independent Senator for South Australia, will move amendments to the Federal Government’s Environment Legislation Amendment Bill to prevent fracking from taking place where there will be an impact on water resources
• Wattle Range Council has taken on an advocacy role to support its community
• Several local communities have declared their locality gasfield free with many more following.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Protect our Limestone Coast





Federal Electorate:


Website: Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

Facebook: Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

X: Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

Other Media: Limestone Coast Protection Alliance