Pollution Free Politics

This campaign called on all politicians and candidates to take a pledge calling for an end to taking donations from and giving subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. "Find out where your MP stands and join the campaign to get the pollutors out of politics!"
End political donations and subsidies from fossil fuel companies


Ready to step things up? Join our Pollution Free Politics Push to really serve it up to our worst climate blockers the week before the election. Peaceful direct actions are happening in major cities across the country starting Monday June 20th. Despite more than two decades of talking, our climate is at a crisis point because our leaders have allowed themselves to be captured by the fossil fuel industry. If our politicians are serious about climate change, then they need to stop taking money from and giving money to the big polluters. Watch this short video to find out more.

The Politicians Blocking Action on Climate Change: When it comes to being captured by the fossil fuel industry, it doesn’t get worse than these thirty climate action blockers. They will do anything to keep the fossil fuel donations rolling in, and the fossil fuel subsidies pouring out. All the while, ensuring that climate policies are kept far away from Parliament, so their friends in the coal and gas industry can maintain their damaging business plans.

Our leaders have allowed themselves to be captured by the fossil fuel industry. If our politicians are serious about climate change, then they need to stop taking money from and giving money to the big polluters. That’s why we’re calling on all politicians and candidates to take a pledge calling for an end to taking donations from and giving subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. Find out where your MP stands and join the campaign to get the polluters out of politics!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: 350.org Australia

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Politicians and parliament

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2016

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Political donations and subsidies continue. As documented on the Market Forces webpage 'Fossil fuel donations up 32%. In 2017-18, fossil fuel companies donated $1,277,933 to the ALP, Liberal and National parties. This was up 32% from $968,343 in 2016-17 ($1.03 million in 2015-16). Yet given Australia’s reputation for woefully inadequate political disclosure and ‘dark money’ donations, the true figure could be 5-10 times higher. Like last year, we found big discrepancies between what the major political parties disclosed, and how much the fossil fuel companies claimed to have gifted. Leading the pack in 2018 with $237,300 worth of largesse was Woodside Energy, followed by Santos with $182,083 and Chevron Australia with $121,879. Notably, Chevron paid no company tax over the four financial years to 2017 and received a government handout for a gas project linked to huge increases in Australia’s CO2 emissions (see below). Check out the table below to see how much the other top 10 fossil fuel donors splurged, and explore the full list of industry donations further down. (sourced from https://www.marketforces.org.au/politicaldonations2019/ 28/12/2021)

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Pollution Free Politics