Petition: End Public Money for Gas

Public money should be public good, not for big polluters. Sign the petition to tell Labor to stop public money hand outs for gas!
Bring in a ban on new coal and gas


Petition: End Public Money Handouts for Gas. The Morrison Government has left a huge climate mess for the new government to tackle. The Liberal National Government spent the past 9 years expanding fossil fuels, with billions in public money being thrown at projects that would lock polluting gas into our energy mix for decades to come. The best climate science makes it clear we need a rapid transition to energy powered by the wind and sun. The Labor government need to clean up the Morrison Government’s climate mess, by ensuring no new subsidies for gas in the budget and reversing existing hand outs that are propping up the gas industry. Public money should be public good, not for big polluters. Sign the petition to tell Labor to stop public money hand outs for gas!

To the Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer, Senator the Hon. Katy Gallagher and the Hon. Chris Bowen MP, Climate Change and Energy Minister,
Australians are already feeling the dangerous impacts of climate change from extreme bushfires, to devastating droughts and dangerous floods to unliveable heatwaves. Your government has made promising commitments to take stronger climate action, so we urge you to mop up Morrison’s mess of gas handouts, review all existing fossil fuel subsidies, and commit to no new fossil fuel subsidies in the Budget. Australia is one of the sunniest and windiest continents in the world, we have the potential to be a renewable energy leader not climate laggard.
Yours sincerely,
Latest Supporters

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Campaign Target Type: , ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Anthony Albanese, Jim Chalmers, Katy Gallagher and Chris Bowen

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2023 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Petition: End Public Money for Gas