People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria

The Victorian Climate Change Act 2017 required the Andrews government to prepare the state's first Climate Change Strategy by 31 October 2020. That's why Friends of the Earth's Act on Climate collective launched this project to create a People's Climate Strategy for Victoria. Through the campaign they aimed to deliver the People's Climate Strategy to every member of parliament.
To have the Andrew's government adopt the People's Climate Strategy (developed by Friends of the Earth Act on Climate in collaboration with other groups) as the State government's Climate Strategy (the Victorian Climate Change Act 2017 required the Andrews government to prepare the state's first Climate Change Strategy by 31 October 2020.)


FINAL STEPS: The People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria. On April 22, Earth Day, we launched our completed People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria.
The community has written a plan for how Victoria can tackle the climate crisis over the next five years. Now we need your help to ensure it gets under the nose of politicians from Mildura to Mallacoota and everywhere in between.

Friday 4 June is Delivery Day: The day we will deliver a copy of the People’s Climate Strategy to every member of Parliament.
We need your help to pull off this ambitious organising effort: 

1. SIGN UP for Delivery Day to be among community champions that deliver a copy to their local MP.

2. CHIP IN to our crowdfunder to help us raise $5,000 to cover printing and organising costs.

3. READ the completed People’s Climate Strategy.

The Victorian Climate Change Act 2017 required the Andrews government to prepare the state’s first Climate Change Strategy by 31 October 2020. 

It’s a key piece of work that will outline how each economic sector and region in Victoria can cut emissions over the next 10 years, and how we will deal with the impacts that are already locked in. However, the disruptive nature of COVID-19 has seen the government’s strategy delayed in completion, and we still await its publication. 

Last year, with the Andrews government leading the pandemic response, we saw a need for civil society groups to step up with a clear vision for how the state can tackle the climate crisis by creating jobs, reining in emissions, and advancing social justice in communities. That’s why Friends of the Earth’s Act on Climate collective launched this project to create a People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria.

In the second half of 2020, over 1,000 people from around the state participated in two surveys, roundtables discussions, online forums and social media actions that we ran to source grassroots, local knowledge from communities about the climate impacts they are worried about and the solutions they want to see.
The ideas people contributed have shaped the now-completed People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria. The Strategy is now available to online and we encourage community members to use it as a resource for knowledge on what local climate impacts people are reporting, and ideas for local campaigns. 


Contact Act on Climate campaign coordinator, Anna Langford on [email protected]

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Act on Climate Victoria

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Victorian Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2020 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria