Move Beyond Coal

Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle (CCBR) joined with other community groups across Australia in the Move Beyond Coal campaign to pressure NAB to stop funding new coal projects.
For NAB to stop funding new coal projects.


Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle (CCBR) joined with other community groups across Australia in the Move Beyond Coal campaign to pressure NAB to stop funding new coal projects.

Why does this campaign matter?
Australia and Indonesia are the world’s largest exporters of coal and coal is Australia’s biggest contribution to climate change. The science is clear, and it tells us that for a 50% chance of keeping global warming to levels below 1.5 degrees C, 95% of Australia known coal reserves must stay in the ground. Unbelievably there are currently 69 proposed new coal projects across NSW and Qld and in particular Whitehaven Coal plans to double its already large coal production. Australian Banks are helping to fund these new coal projects and of these NAB is making the largest contribution. Watch this video on Australia’s problem with coal. Update: Move Beyond Coal is planning its 2023 campaign. Subscribe to the CCBR newsletter or check our Diary to hear about new activities. Meanwhile …

What you can do
Keep the pressure on the NAB to keep coal in the ground!
A letter or email to a bank’s head office, especially if you are a customer or shareholder, is an effective way of pressuring the bank.
• Tell NAB executives to stop financing coal!
• Find out how NAB and other banks are using your money
• Sign the petition Labor: No More Coal
• Read the latest on the Move Beyond Coal movement

NAB #NotAnotherDollar for Whitehaven Coal
To initiate the Move Beyond Coal campaign, CCBR joined with 59 other teams across Australia to target NAB branches with the message to ‘Stop Funding Coal’.  Our branch was at Five Dock. We wrote to the Manager and for 6 weeks members stood outside the Branch with placards and leaflets with our message to staff, customers and passers-by.  This culminated in a nationwide Week of Action and we staged a lively demonstration outside the branch on Wednesday 9 November, then joined an online rally to coincide with NAB’s AGM in Melbourne. 

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Change Balmain Rozelle

Groups - Other: Move Beyond Coal,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2022 to 2023

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Move Beyond Coal