Generate the change

This campaign called on supporters to switch to a cleaner power company.
Have supporters switch to powershop


ENERGY TRANSFORMATION 26 APRIL 2016. Switch to a cleaner power company today: Many of us unwittingly hand our money straight to Australia’s biggest polluting companies. Every month when we pay our electricity bills, many of us unwittingly hand our money straight to Australia’s biggest polluting companies. By digging up and burning coal and gas, these companies are polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink. They are fuelling global warming and damaging our reefs. But you have a choice – give your money to these big polluting companies or switch to a cleaner energy retailer that champions a brighter future. Different parts of Australia have different options. In some states, you can choose from a range of good retailers that champion clea energy. In others, you have no choice, or only dirty power companies. Find out how power companies in your state measure up in the Green Electricity Guide from our friends at Greenpeace.
Here’s what you can do in your state:

New South Wales and Victoria
We’ve teamed up with Powershop to grow the massive wave of people power that will help generate the change we all want to see: We recommend Powershop because they’re ranked #1 in Greenpeace’s Green Electricity Guide. Owned by a 100%renewable energy generator, the company is carbon neutral and has no investments in dirty energy like coal. They’ll help you say “see ya later” to dirty energy online in five minutes. They will notify your current retailer for you (and pay any exit fees up to $75) and there will be no interruption to your power supply. What’s more, they’re one of the cheapest energy retailers in Victoria. For every person who switches to Powershop through our Generate the Change campaign, Powershop will make a financial contribution to ACF’s work so we can keep campaigning for a cleaner, brighter future.

South Australia and Queensland
Powershop is only available in NSW and Victoria, but you can still switch to a cleaner electricity retailer. Check out how your power company measures up in the Green Electricity Guide from our friends at Greenpeace – then make the switch! When you switch to a clean energy champion, you’re giving the biggest polluters a strong message to clean up their act. You’re supporting investment in clean energy and showing our politicians just how much we, the people, want a brighter future powered by cleaner energy. Find out how your retailer measures up – then make the switch!

Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory and ACT
Unfortunately you don’t have much choice – either electricity in your state is government-owned (hello Tas and NT!) or you don’t have any non-big polluter options. water, and damaging our climate. Tell your MP to stop listening to the big polluters and support clean energy today! PS. Check out our big polluter report over here! But you can still ask your retailer for 100% GreenPower – and check out the Green Electricity Guide to see how they measure up.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Conservation Foundation

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: General public

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2017

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome unable to be measured, and no data provided to indicate outcome

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Generate the change