Environmental Alliance

The Enviromental Alliance is described as a campaign by Gecko Environment Council that aims to bring together Gold Coast community groups who have environmental concerns as part of their charter.
To bring together an Alliance to forge an effective alliance of community groups to advocate for the environment, raise awareness of environmental, conservation, climate change and sustainability matters in the public arena, and ensure the environment alliance position is widely known and considered in decision making.


Environment Alliance: Posted on September 3, 2012: About the Environment Alliance… a community alliance for environmental sustainability.

The Environment Alliance is an alliance of Gold Coast community groups who have environmental concerns as part of their charter. If your group has such a charter and is interested in building an additional effective environmental voice for the Gold Coast, please join with us and attend our meetings (Individuals are encouraged to join one of the Alliance member groups). Objectives of the Environment Alliance:
• To forge an effective alliance of community groups to advocate for the environment.
• To raise awareness of environmental, conservation, climate change and sustainability matters in the public arena.
• To ensure the environment alliance position is widely known and considered in decision making.

Benefits of Membership:
• City-wide influence and action to achieve environmental benefits for the Gold Coast.
• Support for local issues by all members of the alliance.
• Sharing of information, ideas and workload.
• Access to expertise and experience.
• A stronger voice in advocating at all levels of government.

Action through:
• Communications: establishing an email group; contributing to a website or webpage; media/social media; regular meetings; fact sheets and newsletter. Media statements on behalf of theAlliancewill be made by the nominated delegate.
• Advocacy: lobbying; submissions; letters; petitions; direct civil action to all levels or government and decision makers.
• Representation: on local Council and State Government advisory and consultation bodies.

Top Gold Coast Issues: (not in order of priority)
• Loss of native vegetation and habitat on native species, especially the koala.
• Climate change impacts.
• Public open space – recreational – amount and usage.
• Public Open Space – Conservation land – amount, usage and management.
• City Planning, planning legislation and loss of rights of appeal.
• Conservation legislation.
• Viability of Currumbin Wildlife Hospital and governance of Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary.
• Waterways quality for habitat and recreation.
• Need for more community engagement and education.

Gecko will auspice and act as the Secretariat for the Environment Alliance, as well as take responsibility for the agenda, minutes, venue bookings and filing of documents, until the Alliance decides to incorporate. The Chair and Minute taker will rotate at each meeting to share the work. For more information, call Gecko on 5534 1412 or email Gecko’s Secretary.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Gecko Environment Council

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2012 to

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Environmental Alliance