Why is community solar better than privately funded solar? I understand the benefits of putting solar on the roof of my business or organisation, so what does Pingala offer that’s different? Wouldn’t my business be better of to pay for solar ourselves?
A: The unique value of a community solar project for a host site is its profile and connection with the community. At the heart of the Pingala value proposition for host sites is the community activation campaign that Pingala will run to promote the project and find community investors. Pingala will work with your organisation to ensure the communities with which you want to build stronger connections (such as your customer-base, local residents, employees or other stakeholders) are included in the target audience. Pingala will engage with those communities by offering the option to invest in the solar farm and, once installed, promote the project to attract further interest in community solar.
This will help build stronger links between your organisation and your most important stakeholders, helping promote your credentials in environmental and social innovation. Commercial solar offerings or self-financed solar cannot deliver the additional social and marketing benefits that Pingala offers through its community solar model.