Pingala NSW Sydney’s Energy Citizens

A citizenled energy movement, working for a fast and fair transition to clean energy in Pingala NSW.


Welcome to Pingala. When you join Pingala youre making a decision to take action. Youll be joining a citizenled energy movement, working for a fast and fair transition to clean energy. Together we can kick out the old energy system and replace it with new energy that is clean, cheap and fair.

You can make a difference
• When you join Pingala you’re making a decision to take action. You’ll be joining a citizen-led energy movement, working for a fast and fair transition to clean energy.
• Together we can kick out the old energy system and replace it with new energy that is clean, cheap and fair.

Check out some of our initiatives
SOLAR GARDENS: Cheaper electricity for all. Solar for everyone. All households should have access to clean and affordable power.
BUSINESSES: Sustainable & connected. Community Financing. Helping businesses transition to renewable energy.
COMMUNITIES: Thriving communities. Helping Others. Communities in control of their own energy destiny.

You now have the opportunity to step up and take back the power. Get involved.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , ,

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Community Activation Campaign






Website: Pingala NSW Sydney’s Energy Citizens

Facebook: Pingala NSW Sydney’s Energy Citizens

X: Pingala NSW Sydney’s Energy Citizens

Instagram: Pingala NSW Sydney’s Energy Citizens