Clean State Jobs Plan

This campaign called on the WA premier to support a "Clean Jobs Stimulus & Recovery Package" based on the "Clean State Jobs Plan - Report"
Have the WA government enact their ambitious program of action on climate change and job creation in Western Australia - as detailed in the report. “Our plan will cut carbon emissions in WA by 66% by 2030, and create: *30,000 ‘stimulus jobs’ in conservation, installation, construction and infrastructure every year for the next three years; *100,000 permanent jobs by 2050, including over 6000 in manufacturing; *at least $3.8bn in economic benefits a year by 2030; and *an additional export revenue of almost $3billion in green steel by 2050.” (


Clean State Jobs Plan: 26 big ideas for 200,000 WA jobs

Clean State Jobs Plan – Report
There has never been a more important time for WA to have a plan for jobs. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been significant and is likely to be felt across our community for years to come. To reboot our economy, and build back better, we need to have a plan. A plan that puts people and the planet at the centre. On a global scale, we have entered the critical decade for addressing climate change, and Western Australia has a vital role to play. Western Australia can benefit significantly from the transition to a zero-carbon future. The Clean State Jobs Plan sets out an ambitious program of action on climate change and job creation in Western Australia. Together these initiatives will create thousands of new jobs, drive down climate pollution and make WA a fairer, safer and cleaner place to live and work.

* Repower WA with Renewables: 90% by 2030
* ‘Bright Sparks’ Solar Powered Schools Program

* Build 15,000 new, low carbon social housing homes
* Repower and retrofit WA’s 44,000 social housing homes

* Ride to Recovery: world’s best place to cycle
* Deliver a WA-made tram network for Perth
* WA-made electric bus fleet
* Powering ahead with electric vehicles

* Partnerships for Conservation – regenerating the wheatbelt and rangelands
* Urban and Regional Conservation stimulus
* Blue Carbon and Marine Conservation
* Unlocking our Carbon Farming potential

First Nations
* Closing the Gap: urgent infrastructure and services investment
* A transformative, state-wide Aboriginal Place Naming Project
* Expand Aboriginal Rangers and support culture and enterprises

* Zero emissions metals and WA-made wind turbines
* Decarbonise LNG production and transition to renewable hydrogen

Resilient Regions
* Fund overstretched emergency services in the regions
* Improve Digital Connectivity through the SuperNet
* Forests for life, climate and communities
* A bright future for Collie

* Low carbon, local tourism
* Support & expand Aboriginal tourism and business development

Circular Economy
* Reboot Recycling & Resurrect Repair Labs

Care Industries
* A Supercharged, Zero carbon public sector
* Supporting female participation and leadership in a zero-carbon future

TAKE ACTION – Email Premier:
Tell the Premier & Treasurer we support a Clean Jobs Stimulus & Recovery Package. WA’s future depends on what we do together. This is our opportunity to stimulate and reboot Western Australia’s economy, accelerate climate action and support businesses and households as we’re rebuilding a more robust & resilient state.  Through taking action on climate change we can deliver thousands of sustainable jobs in clean industries for WA. And the good news is that West Australians already have the skills, expertise, and resources to make it happen. Sign this letter to the Premier & Treasurer to support a clean jobs plan for 200,000 WA jobs.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Clean State

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: WA Government

Groups - Other: Conservation Council of Western Australia,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2020 to 2022

Campaign Outcome:

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Clean State Jobs Plan