Clean State

Clean State connects West Australians across the state to tackle climate challenges and show what works


Our vision is that by 2030, Western Australia is a global leader in climate solutions, creating millions of clean jobs across the state. We’re excited about the transition to net zero because we’ve got everything we need in our backyard – sun, wind, water, waves. But we need strong climate policy that helps us realise our renewable energy potential, diversifies our economy, creates thousands of jobs and builds resilient, climate-clever communities. It’s never been a more important time for the future of Western Australia. Are you in?

What we do: Clean State connects West Australians across the state to tackle climate challenges and show what works.

Clean State is an independent climate action initiative advocating for a zero-carbon economy for Western Australia. At Clean State, we collaborate with businesses, experts and change-makers on climate challenges, generating insights about these using the latest scientific and economic data. Then, we show what works and deliver problem-solving recommendations to key WA decision-makers. Clean State recognises Aboriginal people as the original custodians of the places we work and acknowledges that sovereignty was never ceded. We aim to actively support First Nations communities through our work. (sourced 7/10/2022 from Facebook page – Facebook page down by 2023)

Our vision
By 2030, Western Australia is a global leader in climate solutions, creating millions of clean jobs across the state. We envision sustainability will be integral to our way of life – so current and future generations can continue to live, work and enjoy WA for many years to come.

Our Story
Clean State was established in 2018. Since then, we’ve made a big impact – generating a volume of valuable research into WA’s potential as a clean energy powerhouse. Our Clean State Jobs Plan was a success. Our seminal 2020 Jobs Plan delivered 26 fully costed, fully viable recommendations for the WA government to create 200,000 clean jobs and kickstart WA’s transition to net-zero carbon emissions. 15 of these recommendations have now been actioned or implemented. Including $60 million for renewable energy and battery projects around the state, $60 million for conservation projects in regional areas, $17 million for batteries and solar in the Kimberley, including in First Nations communities, and $15 million to boost emergency services and fire brigades who are dealing with the impacts of climate change. From 2018-2021, Clean State built up a support base of over 20,000 everyday Western Australians. We also consulted with a broad range of local institutions on building a clean economy. During that time, we continued community organising and campaigning for climate action at a grassroots level. This year, we formalised our commitment to high-level research, alliance-building and policy influencing.We are driving evidence-based solutions to diversify our economy and create thousands of jobs within new, sustainable industries through collaboration, research and policy recommendations. We continue to build awareness around climate impacts and support local communities – for a fairer and safer place to live, learn and work.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Conservation Council of Western Australia


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Website: Clean State