Bickham Coal Mine

After a ten year campaign the NSW State Government announced in May 2010, they could NOT proceed with their plans to operate an open cut coal mine. However, the decision only referred to an open cut mine. NOT an underground mine. In February 2012, Bickham Coal Company announced plans to investigate underground mining.
Rule out underground mining at Bickham immediately


In 2001 Bickham Coal Mine first announced their intention to mine for black coal at the head of the Pages River near Blandford. This is the Northern end of the Hunter Valley Catchment. After a ten year campaign the NSW State Government announced in May 2010, they could NOT proceed with their plans to operate an open cut coal mine. However, the decision only referred to an open cut mine. NOT an underground mine. In February 2012, Bickham Coal Company announced plans to investigate underground mining. For the history of the campaign please follow the menu on the left. We are following this story and will post all news here.

WILLING TO BATTLE – Action group opposes Bickham on same grounds. Scone Advocate Ist March 2012 Article. By Caitlin Andrews.

THE message is clear – we don’t want mining on the surface or under ground and will do whatever it takes to shut this down. This is the view of the Bickham Coal Mine Action Group and it believes this drive and stamina will lead it to victory. The group’s chairman Peter Haydon spoke at the Upper Hunter Shire Council’s ordinary meeting on Monday night urging the council to join them in lobbying the NSW Government to rule out underground mining at Bickham immediately. With the Bickham Coal Company’s current exploration licence due to expire on May 27, the action group is demanding it not be renewed and that the NSW Government totally re-zone the shire and ring-fence it as a mine free zone. READ MORE… Bickham Coal Mine – Local News.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: NSW Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2001 to 2010

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on ABC website 'The NSW Government has rejected a proposal to expand the Bickham Coal mine in the Hunter Valley. It is believed to be the first time the NSW Government has rejected a mining proposal.' Sourced 11/4/2022 from

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Bickham Coal Mine