Amped Up

Green Music Australia wants to make it as easy as possible for every music venue and studio in Australia to take advantage of energy efficiency, through LED lighting, efficient heating and cooling, rooftop solar and more.
Use electricity more efficiently and source your power from clean, renewable energy


AMPED UP: More music, less heat with GMA. Green Music Australia, in partnership with Energy For The People, can help you go green and start saving power and the planet straight away! We’re amped up about energy efficiency. Energy efficiency makes sense in every way – for your business, for performers and punters, and for the planet! When most of our electricity still comes from polluting coal, using less energy is a crucial way to reduce our impact on the environment. It also keeps running costs down, meaning venues and studios can better support struggling musicians. Green Music Australia wants to make it as easy as possible for every music venue and studio in Australia to take advantage of energy efficiency, through LED lighting, efficient heating and cooling, rooftop solar and more.

So we have partnered with experts from Energy For The People – responsible for some of Australia’s most innovative clean energy projects – to offer an end-to- end energy service, from energy auditing, planning and feasibility through to implementation and monitoring. We can even help you crowd-fund solar power – a great way of attracting support for your venue, while creating sustainable energy savings to invest back into your venue. What will your energy upgrade look like? Energy For The People will look at your venue’s energy usage, the equipment you currently have, your location and more – and will work with you to explore options for cleaner energy upgrades, as well as providing expertise and support to secure funding for any proposed upgrade.

Energy upgrades are tailored to each individual space. In general, they will look to include some or all of:
– lighting – upgrading to LEDs for both space lighting and stage lighting;
– renewable energy options – such as rooftop solar;
– heating and air conditioning – switching to more efficient heating and cooling systems; and
– refrigeration – getting rid of under-utilised fridges and freezers, or upgrading efficiency.

LED lighting is a particularly obvious choice for the music scene. LEDs use a fraction of the energy of incandescent lights, saving tremendous amounts of energy. Their automatic colour-changing also means there is no more need to use plastic colour gels and multiple lights or shutters. The fact that LEDs produce virtually no heat comparative to incandescent lighting makes performing under them far more pleasant for musicians, and reduces the need for air conditioning in venues. Solar power might sound like a big investment, but you can learn about Energy For The People’s innovative and successful crowdfunding program here. And here’s how Footscray Community Arts Centre did it! It’s easy to get started! Get in touch with us here or email [email protected] and we can start moving right away to help you, performers and punters, and the planet!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Green Music

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Music venues and studios

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome unable to be determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Amped Up