2022 Summer Campaign

This campaign called on firefighters to share their experiences on the frontlines to communicate to the federal government (Prime Minister Scott Morrison & Senator Bridget McKenzie) that more action needed to be taken on climate change.
Have the federal government set meaningful climate action commitments


We want you to share your experience of being a fire fighter and how you can see that fire seasons are getting worse because of climate change. Meaningful action now will reduce risk later on. The federal government sets Australia’s national climate commitments, so that is why we are targeting the Prime Minister and Emergency Services minister.
take a photo of yourself/ your crew
Tag in the PM and Emergency Management minister and urge them to do more on climate
KEY MESSAGE: I’m on the frontline. I see that fire seasons are getting worse. Without climate action, it will only get worse. @ScottMorrisonMP @senbmckenzie – commit Australia to 75% emission reductions by 2030. #climatefire
post your photo and comment on any social media platform you use
tell your mates and get them involved
please also post your photo on our facebook page

You can read our media release here.

“Firefighters are on the frontline of climate change. We see the impacts of fire seasons that are longer and more intense” said firefighter Darin Sullivan. “Fire behaviour is changing, and changing for the worse. Climate change causes extreme weather, which in turn causes bushfires and other natural disasters. This is our workplace, and it is becoming more and more unsafe”. Please send us you images – via instagram or facebook.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Prime Minister and Emergency Services minister

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2022 to 2023

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: No evidence is available as to whether supporters shared their experience of being a firefighter, nor whether any target numbers were met.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


2022 Summer Campaign