Climate change is real, we are living in a climate crisis.Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.Social justice, equality and inclusion will be promoted. These overarching principles guide us in all we do. The Boonah Organisation for a Sustainable Shire (BOSS) focuses on the values, principles, and aspirations which underpin a sustainable future for Boonah and beyond. BOSS was established in 2006 in the wake of concerns regarding environmental, planning and development issues which were surfacing in the Shire. Letters to the local paper and discussion on the street highlighted community members wanted a sustainable future and a voice. An independent consensus building mechanism which was ‘all of community’ open and inclusive was required and BOSS was born.
Boonah Organisation for a Sustainable Shire Inc (BOSS) is committed to ensuring its community has a vibrant, caring and green future with a visible connection with and celebration of its past and the natural environment. We will achieve this by:
– Creating a collective community voice to promote shared values, principles, and aspirations Engaging and interacting with our community, community groups, our regional council, state and federal governments
– Recognising the opportunity to learn from the indigenous ecological custodians of this place, to care for country with wisdom and love
– Practically applying sustainable approaches to life resulting in a collective lighter touch upon the earth
– Understanding from little things big things grow
– Providing a forum where creative ideas can take root, be supported and grow into viable local solutions
– Empowering the next generation with the skills and courage to live more wisely and less selfishly
– Understanding the shared responsibility for the present and future well being of our local community and the larger living world
– Recognising ongoing connection with a unique local identity is a vital element in growing sustainable communities
– Encouraging and supporting local business activity, ways of living and future planning models which incorporate a sustainable ethos and adopts a circular approach to determine success, and Working to provide a sustainable legacy for future generations
We will work with people and organisations who share our values, and we expect all members to share these values.