Blicks River Guardians

Blicks River Guardians is a community group dedicated to protecting the environment around the Blicks River in northern NSW, Australia.


Blicks River Guardians is a community group dedicated to protecting the environment around the Blicks River in northern NSW, Australia. The Blicks River flows into the Clarence River via the Nymboida River. Our group is made up of local landholders and other residents. Some of us have been here all our lives and others have come more recently. Mining exploration is being carried out in the area and represents a threat to wildlife, the water supply for the local and wider area and the quality of life for those living on the Dorrigo Plateau.

Who are we?
Concerned residents met at the Dundurrabin Community Centre on Sunday, 7th July, 2013. A representative from Dorrigo Environment Watch brought large maps for us to scrutinise to see if our properties were within the newly increased exploration zone. After an afternoon of discussions the “Blicks River Guardians” group was formed. We created petitions, attended markets and advised our community of the need to be alert to the threat of mining in this area.

Where are we?
Mining exploration is taking place on the Dorrigo Plateau west of Coffs Harbour in an environmentally sensitive area along the Great Dividing Range known as a valuable corridor for wildlife and an important headwater to the Nymboida River which flows into the Clarence River. The mining exploration group’s project, “The Blicks Project”, covers an area from Glen Fernaigh to Billy’s Creek and includes parts of Billy’s Creek, Dundurrabin, Tyringham and Glen Fernaigh.

What do we value?
The Dorrigo Plateau must be declared off-limits to mining exploration. Exploration for gold and antimony on the Dorrigo Plateau is of concern to everyone whose drinking water comes directly from the Clarence and Orara rivers. Exploration leases have been expanded and exploratory drilling has begun. We also value this special environment where rainforest protects many endangered species. Contact us via the Contact page for more information or visit our Facebook Page, “Blicks River Guardians”.

First Let’s
Discover: Let’s discover the natural environment, flora and fauna and what’s being done in our own backyard. Let’s be alert to possibilities for damaging changes.
Now let’s WORK
Conserve: Let’s conserve our natural environment and existing sustainable activities for our future generations and the other creatures who inhabit our local area.
Change: There are mining leases over much of the land in Tyringham, Dundurrabin and Billys Creek. Let’s urge politicians to protect this area from exploitation.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Blicks River Guardians

Facebook: Blicks River Guardians