Big Scrub Environment Centre

The Big Scrub Environment Centre aims to promote the conservation, protection and betterment of the environment along sound ecological guidelines, based in NSW.


Welcome to The Big Scrub Environment Centre Website

Climate Change
There is general consensus amongst scientists, governments and environmental groups that avoiding dangerous climate change means keeping warming as far below 2ºC as possible. Scientists say we need to stabilise levels below 400ppm. Developed countries need to commit to reductions of at least 30-35% from 1990 levels by 2020 and more than 80% by 2050. We need to reach zero emissions growth by 2010 with annual reductions of at least 1.5% from then on. Learn what we can do, both individually and collectively to turn the tide of human induced climate change. Visit the Big Scrub Environment Centre’s web page for all things related to climate change here.

Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable energy and energy efficiency can deliver the power we need – without the problems. Renewable energy, mostly hydroelectricity, already supplies 19% of world electricity, compared to nuclear’s 16%. The share of renewables is increasing, while nuclear’s share is decreasing. Read why Nuclear Energy is no solution to climate change here. It is encouraging to see the coverage and raising of awareness that climate change is generating in the media and society, but don’t get distracted and forget about *** Tassie Forests. The campaign to protect Tasmania’s ancient forests is at a tipping point, and we need your help to stop Gunns Limited’s destructive pulp mill project! Knowing that their pulp mill would never meet environmental standards and under intense pressure from RAN and our NGO allies in Australia, Gunns recently withdrew its proposed pulp mill project from Tasmania’s independent assessment process (the RPDC). Gunns is now seeking to bypass all legal requirements by fast-tracking the pulp mill through the Tasmania parliament. ead more about Tasmania’s forests here. ACTION ALERT: Click to take you to the latest Action Alerts page.

The Big Scrub Environment Centre would like to call for offers of financial support from the community in order to keep our organisation running. You can support us in our endeavours to bring awareness of environmental issues and solutions to as broad a range of people as possible. Donate Here

The Big Scrub Environment Centre is an incorporated, non-profit charitable organisation directed by a management committee. The Centre is staffed by a team of dedicated volunteers and is self-funding through tax-deductible donations, fund-raising activities, and membership subscriptions. We aim to promote the conservation, protection and betterment of the environment along sound ecological guidelines.

Big Scrub Information Resources
Community Environmental Action, Education and Resource Centre.
Provides support to groups and individuals within the community who are lobbying and working on environmental issues.
Produces an informative website and monthly e-news sheet.
Provides information for schools, universities and the general public.
Contacts and networks with other environmental groups throughout Australia and the world.
Compiles occasional submissions concerning the environment.

History and Change
Born from the inspired activism of the Terania Creek campaign in 1979 and incorporated in 1982, the Big Scrub Environment Centre has grown and evolved from a small office in Lismore, through many incarnations, into the cyber age. Over the past two decades, the centre has been staffed by scores of dedicated activists and volunteers who based their environmental campaigns and educational projects from the Lismore office. As the Howard Government continues to introduce ‘shoot the messenger’ policies which disadvantage voluntary organisations – affecting funding grant eligibilities, insurance requirements and volunteer workers – the Big Scrub Environment Centre is by necessity moving into the age of e-networking.

Members and Future Newsletters
In its new incarnation, the Big Scrub Environment Centre will no longer post hard-copy newsletters to members. We will continue to provide current environmental information and updates via our website. If you would like to receive an electronic version of future newsletters, please email us your own email address and any updated contact details. We look forward to your continuing support in our cyber age and anticipate a growing number of activists interested in e-networking through and with the Big Scrub Environment Centre.

Thanks to all past, present and future members for their support in keeping the Big Scrub Environment Centre alive and active over the past two decades. Thanks to all volunteers who have given their time and energy in campaigning, staffing the office and running the shop. Thanks to all customers who took the time to support the shop and the centre.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Big Scrub Environment Centre