Australian Parents 4 Climate Action Inner North northern suburbs of Melbourne

A local group of Australian Parents for Climate Action based in Victoria. The purpose of this group is to encourage and support parents, grandparents and carers getting engaged with climate action such as lobbying our politicians to take urgent action to mitigate climate change.


The purpose of this group is to encourage and support parents, grandparents and carers getting engaged with climate action such as lobbying our politicians to take urgent action to mitigate climate change.

Our aims are
1. To build community connections around climate action in Inner North Melbourne
2. To provide resources for concerned parents and carers to help them parent and feel supported emotionally in the era of the climate emergency
3. To filter actions by other groups that are parents / family friendly to help busy parents engage on climate
4. To act as a voice for frustrated parents and carers to be heard by politicians and leaders.
5. To feed into Australian Parents for Climate Action ( and support national actions.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Australian Parents 4 Climate Action


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Facebook: Australian Parents 4 Climate Action Inner North northern suburbs of Melbourne