Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance

AFCA is a network of grassroots firefighters who are joining together to advocate for stronger action on climate change.


Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance. AFCA is a network of grassroots firefighters who are joining together to advocate for stronger action on climate change.

What We Do
Campaign: We mobilise grassroots firefighters to be active on climate change issues
Educate: We seek to provide materials and information about the links between climate change and longer fire seasons.
Network: We encourage networking and skill sharing.

“Firefighters are on the frontline of climate change. We see the impacts of fire seasons that are longer and more intense. Fire behaviour is changing, and changing for the worse. Climate change causes extreme weather, which in turn causes bushfires and other natural disasters. This is our workplace, and it is becoming more and more unsafeā€ Darin Sullivan, Fire and Rescue NSW

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


2022 Summer Campaign




Website: Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance

Facebook: Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance

Instagram: Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance