From a mere idea ASCENT has developed into an incorporated association with a strong central committee and membership base, imparting information about climate change to approximately 2000 people – and all since September 2006! We are developing a reputation as a trustworthy, reliable source of information and activities, reflected by the ever increasing invitations to speak at events and requests to provide information to other groups and individuals.
Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing the human race, however most people simply do not know enough about what its is, the effects that can be expected, or what they can do. Consequently ASCENT seeks to bring this information to the average person, aiming to transform people’s concerns about global warming into action, both in terms of changing their own behaviours, as well as challenging wider community attitudes. We believe that once people are aware of the potential consequences of climate change they will seek to change not only their own lives, but the lives of those around them, and ultimately our broader society. As each one of us has an impact on our environment, every person can make a difference, including you!
The consequences of climate change have a global impact and therefore it is easy to feel paralyzed by the immensity of the problem. ASCENT seeks to empower people, providing practical ways for everybody to get involved, whether it be through one of our programs, or providing support and advice for personally reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ASCENT runs a number of awareness and action programs in schools and universities as well as participating in community events and activities. We also aim to maintain climate change as a primary issue on the national agenda and encourage the government and business sector to reduce emissions. If you would like to become involved in ASCENT, please contact us.