Stop CSG Illawarra

There is mounting evidence that CSG mining poses substantial risks. Stop CSG Illawarra formed to express community concern about these risks
Stop CSG Illawarra


CSG mining and our concerns. Coal Seam Gas (CSG) is principally methane found in underground coal seams, where it is trapped by natural water pressure. It is released by reducing the pressure in the seam by drawing out contaminated water – known as produced water. In most cases some form of additional stimulation – such as fracking – is needed to extract gas at a commercially viable rate. Further, all CSG mining requires the transport and processing of gas, and extensive above ground infrastructure. It can also alter underground stress fields, risking subsidence or other seismic events.

There is mounting evidence that CSG mining poses substantial risks. Stop CSG Illawarra formed to express community concern about these risks, including:
Threats to water systems and supplies
– Leaking methane ;
– Health impacts ;
– Above ground footprint
– Related seismic activity ; and
– Insufficient research and community engagement in CSG determinations.

Concern about these risks is why Stop CSG Illawarra calls for:
– A freeze on CSG exploration and mining
– A royal commission into the impacts of CSG development A ban on fracking
– A ban on CSG development in drinking water catchments

The CSG situation in the Illawarra
Four pilot wells have been drilled in the Illawarra. One in Darkes Forest and three in conjunction with Metropolitan Colliery. Sixteen exploration wells in the northern Illawarra were granted development consent – all in and around drinking water catchments – though sustained opposition from the local community delayed drilling past project expiry dates. In July 2013 the Planning Assessment Commission rejected Apex Energy’s application for an extension to the project — despite the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure recommending approval. Just prior to the 2015 NSW Election, the government responded to pressure from the community and cancelled three of the CSG licences covering the Sydney Water Catchments, leaving just one – the huge PEL 2, held by AGL. In July of 2015 this PEL was also sold back to the NSW government and cancelled. Regardless of these cancellations, until legislation is in place to permanently protect our water catchments, this community will not rest. We need permanent protection of our drinking water, not a situation where new licences can be issued at any time. We encourage you to take a deeper look at the risks involved with CSG and the situation in the Illawarra , then judge for yourself.

What is StopCSG Illawarra? Stop CSG Illawarra is a local community group campaigning for:
– A freeze on CSG exploration and mining
– A royal commission into the impacts of CSG development
– A ban on fracking
– A ban on CSG development in drinking water catchments.
The most powerful force in this country is a community working together to stand up for its rights. Please don’t underestimate your contribution – make a difference…Get involved!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Stop CSG Illawarra

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: NSW State Government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2011 to 2024

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Illawarra environmentalists are claiming victory after the three coal seam gas licences held in this region, over water catchment areas, were bought back and cancelled by the state government.

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Stop CSG Illawarra