Young Campaigns

We are an unstoppable movement of young people fighting for a society with good jobs, great public services and a safe climate for all.


We are an unstoppable movement of young people fighting for a society with good jobs, great public services and a safe climate for all. We are building a movement of young people who will do what it takes to build a society that works for everyone, not just big business. We are fighting for a present and a future that young people can look forward to. One with good health, good jobs and stable housing. We plan to win this future by:
• Build an unstoppable movement of young people that puts undeniable pressure on our government. We are building a large and united movement that’s impossible to ignore. We use escalating moral actions to elevate the urgency of the crisis and draw new battle lines in the political debate. We are building our power by organising in our communities and building support for the urgent need to rebuild a society that works for everyone in order to solve the climate crisis.
• Create a new political common sense that can unite movements for justice to win a world that works for all. This means we are campaigning for big good ideas like raising the rate of Youth Allowance and Jobseeker and pushing for a jobs guarantee. By reshaping the terms of the debate we encourage diverse movements to stand alongside us and add their demands and vision to ours. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR WORK AT THE TOMORROW MOVEMENT. Turn the power of the movement into lasting political change for justice.

To win good jobs, great public services and a safe climate for all we need politicians who will put the interests of people ahead of big business. We will act boldly to set the political agenda and engage in politics in order to win this vision. We will call out politicians who act only in the interests of big business and applaud those who put people first. By demanding better of our political institutions, we will inspire young people to believe in and participate in democratic change. We will lock in our movement’s wins by always striving for lasting political change.

Our People
We are a movement of thousands of young people who are all under 35. We are a volunteer-led organisation with a core team of thirteen, diverse young leaders. Lee Hunter Strike and Cat Nadel are the co-founders and co-directors of YOUNG Campaigns. You can contact them at [email protected] or [email protected]. We are an ACNC registered charity governed by a board. Hit up Lee for any goverance and operations questions. YOUNG Campaigns is a youth-led, grassroots organisation, campaigning for economic justice. We are building a movement of young people who will do what it takes to build a society that works for everyone, not just big business. We are fighting for a present and a future that young people can look forward to. One with good health, good jobs and stable housing.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Young Campaigns

Facebook: Young Campaigns