Women’s Climate Justice Collective

We aim to bring more feminists and feminist perspectives into the climate movement to build capacity and consciousness. We also aim to illuminate in feminist spaces and groups, how the climate crisis especially affects women, and the need for gender-just climate solutions.


WCJC is a national collective aiming to:
• mainstream intersectional feminist climate justice
• support women and nb folks in the feminist and climate justice movements
• demand that intersectional feminism is incorporated into the climate justice movement
• demand that climate justice is incorporated into the feminist movement

WCJC is a national collective aiming to mainstream intersectional feminist climate justice. We aim to bring more feminists and feminist perspectives into the climate movement to build capacity and consciousness. We also aim to illuminate in feminist spaces and groups, how the climate crisis especially affects women, and the need for gender-just climate solutions. Our main objectives are to grow as a collective, and develop resources, workshops and events to increase understanding of intersectional feminist climate justice.

Resources, Workshops & Events
• WCJC offers a range of resources, workshops and events. Please email us for more information at [email protected].
• We offer a series of three 90-minute online workshops:#1 Systems of Power & Climate Justice#2 Intersectional Feminism & Climate Impacts on Women#3 Action Plan (including gender just climate solutions)
• We can also condense all three into a single two-hour workshop, which has less discussion and detail.
• Please visit our Facebook events page to see our upcoming events. (sourced 9/1/2022 from http://wcjc.org.au/)

WCJC strives to be feminist, intersectional, inclusive, diverse, child-friendly, and safe. Our mission is to: 1) mainstream intersectional feminist climate justice; 2) support women and nb folks in the feminist and climate justice movements; and 3) demand that intersectional feminism is incorporated into the climate justice movement, and climate justice is incorporated into the feminist movement. We aim to bring more feminists and feminist perspectives into the climate movement to build capacity and consciousness. We also aim to illuminate in feminist spaces and groups, how the climate crisis especially affects women, and the need for gender-just climate solutions. Our main objectives are to grow as a collective, and develop resources, workshops and events to increase understanding of intersectional feminist climate justice.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Climate Justice Collective


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:




Website: Women’s Climate Justice Collective

Facebook: Women’s Climate Justice Collective