Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council

The Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc (WBBEC) is an A-Political, Not-for-Profit Environmental Advocacy Organisation, covering the Wide Bay Burnett region in Queensland. Our motto is ‘Protecting the region’s biodiversity for the future’ and we aim to achieve that via a range of advocacy based approaches.


The Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council Inc (WBBEC) is an A-Political, Not-for-Profit Environmental Advocacy Organisation, covering the Wide Bay Burnett region in Queensland. WBBEC members meet quarterly, usually on a Saturday morning in Maryborough.

Our motto is ‘Protecting the region’s biodiversity for the future’ and we aim to achieve that via a range of advocacy based approaches including:
Community education campaigns highlighting the importance of environmental protection via television/radio/print/and social media, publications, workshops, public information sessions, documentary screenings, information stalls and interactive presentations at a variety of education centres;
Providing expert advice to all levels of government via participation and representation on various technical working groups, planning committees, Ministerial Roundtable conferences and providing submissions on proposed, and/or amendments to, relevant government policies and legislation;
Responding to community requests to initiate investigations into potential impacts to the environment from unlawful activities, proposed development, breaches of approval conditions/environmental legislation from existing development and/or land and resource uses and
Facilitating communication between multiple local community/landcare/catchment care/wildlife protection groups, the Environment Council and the broader Conservation Sector across Queensland.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council

Facebook: Wide Bay Burnett Environment Council