Wave Changer

OUR VISION: Create a carbon neutral, waste-free surf industry that's respectful to nature, yet retains the innovation, high performance and excitement we all expect from surfing.


OUR VISION: Create a carbon neutral, waste-free surf industry that’s respectful to nature, yet retains the innovation, high performance and excitement we all expect from surfing.​
OUR MISSION: Enabling the surf community to embrace sustainable solutions and reduce its environmental impact.

It all started with an academic research thesis on the subject of Surfing and Sustainability that was completed in 2018. This research highlighted that the surfing world can do much better with it’s environmental and social impact; from it’s pinnacle as a competitive sport, all the way down to it’s prominence as a fun weekend activity at the beach. We’ve given talks, facilitated workshops, mentored students and provided research and written content. Our latest project, Surfer vs Planet, is a free digital guide to inspire surfers and those working in the surf industry to become more environmentally aware.

There’s more in the pipeline and we’re excited to be forging partnerships with key players in the surfing world to safeguard our natural environment and ensure surfing is something everyone can enjoy. Everyone involved at Wave Changer is a volunteer; which means we are driven by a genuine passion and motivation to facilitate positive change. We’re dedicated to the continual research and support of innovative equipment, accessories and packaging for the surfing industry. To do this, we aim to challenge existing norms and fast-track a new era of responsible materials and processes. We’re also committed to an ongoing analysis of consumer behaviours (consumers = surfers) and the product life cycle of surf equipment, i.e. we think stuff should be designed and manufactured with thoughtful consideration to it’s end-of-life.

• EXCITED > a keen appetite for what the future holds. We are excited about new ideas and sharing these discoveries with others.
• PROGRESSIVE > finding alternative solutions and new materials. Caring for the environment is at the forefront of every decision.
• SOULFUL > connecting with nature, not with stuff. Tapping into the energy of change. Reaching out to people based on shared values and creating soulful connections.
• RESPECTFUL > respecting what has been done before and improving it for future generations.
• INNOVATIVE > new ways of thinking and behaving; established through research and collaborations.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Wave Changer

Youtube: Wave Changer

X: Wave Changer