Vote Earth Now

Vote Earth Now is an unbiased, non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation to fight climate change in the most powerful way we can as citizens of a democracy.


Vote Earth Now is an unbiased, non-partisan, not-for-profit organisation to fight climate change in the most powerful way we can as citizens of a democracy. We educate and empower you to use your future vote to encourage political action now. We are all volunteers and from all walks of life – we try to be completely politically independent. We are fiercely committed to fighting climate change and to saving all forms of life on this planet. Even politicans! Find out about us below.

Vote Earth Now: Swing for Climate. “I believe we now have the way to let the powers that be know we are mad as hell. Please register your vote with Vote Earth Now” – Jack McCoy Filmmaker and grandfather
Vote Earth Now: Use your Power. “Come and join us at Vote Earth Now. Promise your vote to politicians who act on climate change” – Associate Professor Rob Eisenberg Founder of Vote Earth Now.

Our Mission: let the politicans know we are all watching
We can provide a platform for our voices before the election by using the carrot and stick of our pledged votes. Vote Earth Now monitors which politicans are really acting on climate change so your future vote can get action now. With the collective power of our pledged votes, we can swing marginal seats, and we can show ‘leaders’ how to get real ‘followers’. If they take action on what matters, they have our votes. If they don’t … they will be voted out. Become a Climate Voter to let them know you will vote for proven action on climate change.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Vote Earth Now

Facebook: Vote Earth Now