Uniting Earth

Uniting Earth supports all parts of the church to care for God's creation, pursue ecological discipleship and raise a prophetic voice for the environment. The Uniting Advocacy Team’s role is to build the capacity of the Uniting Church in all its forms in NSW and the ACT.


The Uniting Advocacy Team’s role is to build the capacity of the Uniting Church in all its forms in NSW and the ACT to;
• Act as advocates and prophetic voices on environmental issues
• Address the questions of faithful environmental discipleship
• Proclaim the gospel in ways that are relevant to our current environmental context

Our hope is that the church will increasingly know ourselves to be part of God’s mission of the reconciliation and renewal of the whole creation over which God in Christ has reasserted claim (Basis of Union, paragraph 3), and motivate and equipped to “Confess the Lord in Fresh words and deeds” as this new situation demands (Basis of Union, paragraph 11). Uniting Earth sits within Uniting’s Advocacy Team, which helps mobilise the wider NSW.ACT Uniting Church in pursuing social justice and the renewal of creation. Join us on facebook.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Website: Uniting Earth

Facebook: Uniting Earth