Transition Town BOQ

Transition Towns – BOQ is an initiative which brings neighbours together to support each other in reducing environmental impacts, by being more self-sufficient with food and energy production, while minimising waste. Part of the Transition Movement. Based in VIC.


Transition Towns – BOQ is an initiative which brings neighbours together to support each other in reducing environmental impacts, by being more self-sufficient with food and energy production, while minimising waste.

We are working on a number of exciting initiatives within the Borough, including hosting workshops on the concepts of reducing food miles, composting, water conservation and planning a productive garden. Building connections within our community is a strong theme with a Cycling Without Lycra and a walking group being facilitated through TT-BOQ. Community engagement opportunities also occur through open house tours where residents are able to share how they live sustainably in their day to day lives.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Transition Australia


Group Status:

Years Active: , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Transition Town BOQ

Facebook: Transition Town BOQ