Transition Streets Taroona

We encourage all residents of Taroona to participate, as we transition to be a more sustainable and connected suburb. Transition Streets is a grassroots initiative that focuses on connecting and supporting neighbourhoods around the issues of sustainability, giving real meaning to the phrase, “think globally; act locally”. Based in TAS.


Transition Streets is a grassroots initiative that focuses on connecting and supporting neighbourhoods around the issues of sustainability, giving real meaning to the phrase, “think globally; act locally”. Transition Streets are for renters and home owners. They are for linking up with our neighbours to make our homes and even our streets more energy efficient, less resources dependent (oil, coal, gas and other resources), more self-reliant with food, less wasteful, healthier and more enjoyable places to live.

We encourage all residents of Taroona to participate, as we transition to be a more sustainable and connected suburb. We acknowledge that there are already some fantastic community groups in Taroona, doing amazing work. This is a way to create a cohesive network for them to work towards a common vision and to create more accessibility for all community members. Contact us via email at [email protected]. If you’d like to be involved, let us know your name and street name, and any skills, knowledge, time or enthusiasm you may have to share and we’ll add you to our email list (we’ll keep your details private). You don’t need to have lots of spare time to participate! We’ll update you via email on any news and events.

Successful projects have been undertaken in Australian cities such as Newcastle and Geelong, where Transition Streets are now thriving. You can find out more about the Transition Streets initiative here, and download a useful program workbook here. The following TedX Talk is a great example of how a Transition Street can work for a suburban community. The coordinators of Transition Streets Taroona are Lauren and Oberon Carter, who live waste-free with their three daughters and are authors of “A Family Guide to Waste-Free Living.” You can watch how they live waste-free in the following film.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Transition Australia


Group Status:

Years Active: ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Transition Streets Taroona