Transition Phillip Island

We are a community of people with a positive vision for a sustainable future. We are part of the transition town network, a global movement which promotes the development of resilience, inclusiveness, creativity, innovation and action on peak oil and climate change. Based in VIC.


We are a community of people with a positive vision for a sustainable future. We are part of the transition town network, a global movement which promotes the development of resilience, inclusiveness, creativity, innovation and action on peak oil and climate change. Come and join us.

Current Project Concepts
PICAL / Cowes Community Food Garden:
We are interested in developing a food garden project at the PICAL venue in Cowes. Transition Phillip Island believes that this would work for a number of reasons:
– Great Access to garden from center of Cowes,
– Provide adult education opportunities, such as providing skills and training in food production for people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
– Tie in with community events such as the sustainability festival and other cultural events
We are now seeking the funding and security that the venue is good to go, keep an eye on this space for more updates on this local food project.

Evolving Project Concepts
Imagine Phillip Island producing more than half of its own food by 2020… community gardens and backyard veggie patches complimenting community supported organic agriculture and urban intensive food hubs, all together contributing to a localised food network which helps our communities to become more food secure. True local organic farmer’s markets and produce swapping days, local harvest festivals and the celebration of food and community. It’s all possible!

Phillip Island Community Orchard
Transition Phillip Island is in the process of planning a Community Orchard. This project will enable Phillip Island communities to develop knowledge and skills in grafting, pruning, heritage varieties and social enterprise. All fruit grown in the Community Orchard will be sold on Phillip Island, reducing the food miles traveled by food from the paddock to your plate.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Transition Australia


Group Status:

Years Active: , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Transition Phillip Island