Transition Newcastle

Transition Newcastle is part of the global Transition Network that is demonstrating that we do have choices. We’re a local group committed to fostering sustainable and resilient communities. Based in NSW.


Do you want to live in a connected, sustainable community? Do you want to be part of a growing movement helping to create alternatives to our unsustainable life styles? So do we! cWe want to create ways of living that:
• Promote environmental and social sustainability
• Build strong, connected communities
• Value relationship and quality of life over wealth and material goods
• Conserve the World’s finite resources

Drop in and visit us at Shed 7D (50 Clyde Street, Hamilton North). So what is Transition Newcastle Inc all about? Basically we’re a local group committed to fostering sustainable and resilient communities. We’re not about reinventing the wheel: there are already many people in our communities doing great work to engage our communities in more sustainable ways of living. Often these groups are under-resourced and while we can’t offer money, we can help promote projects, encourage networking, and bring together like-minded people to bolster existing projects and create new ones.

Transition, sustainability and resilience… Transition Newcastle is based on The Transition Network model, which is a global, grassroots phenomenon driven by the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil. Instead of focusing on what we don’t want, the key to the Transition Network model is the focus of creating positive visions and projects to create a truly sustainable and resilient society – a society which satisfies the needs of the present generation without compromising the capacity of future generations, a resilient society that can function and develop despite any challenged to the system it relies upon. For an inspirational and very good introduction and overview of the Transition model, see the Transition Network webpage or watch the In Transition 2.0 movie . You might want to become a member which helps us financially and also builds our credibility when we’re lobbying for change, or join our email list for free. If you are interested in receiving more information or becoming more involved please contact us on [email protected].

Transition Newcastle, established in 2008, and still going strong. Like other Transition groups, we are committed to fostering sustainable and resilient communities. We’re not about reinventing the wheel: there are already many people in our communities doing great work to engage our communities in more sustainable ways of living, and we support them when we can. At present our main project is Upcycle Newcastle which focuses on the circular economy and saving waste from landfill through creative re-use and repair. Rather than seeing waste as an end product to be disposed of, we prefer to see it as a new beginning. Through Upcycle Newcastle. We operate a well equipped centre for our members and others to upcycle, re-purpose, mend and alter their clothing and textilesWe offer connection with like-minded people in a meaningful and purposeful wayWe run upcycling workshops, courses and events in our centre, in schools and the community in the Newcastle and Hunter areaWe promote the circular economyWe sell products made from re-purposed jeans, T-shirts and other clothing and textile waste (including an online shop).We also sell materials for upcycling, including jeans ($2), T-shirts ($1), discarded fabrics and haberdashery items.
Upcycle Newcastle is open
Monday – 10am til 5pm
Tuesday – 10am til 5pm
Wednesday – 10am til 5pm
Thursday – 10am til 5pm
Saturday – 1pm til 5pm.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Transition Australia


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Transition Newcastle

Facebook: Transition Newcastle

X: Transition Newcastle