Transition Kwoorabup Denmark

Transition Kwoorabup Denmark (TKD) aims to help build self-reliance, resilience and re-localization in the Kwoorabup area/ Shire of Denmark (Western Australia) in response to peak oil and climate change.


In the Shire of Denmark, with some 85 community groups, a large environmentally conscious population, and both a high education profile (reputedly been the highest of any postcode in Australia) and a very high level of self-employment (and associated underemployment – resulting in significant discretionary time), there has been little need for TKD to start activities or projects (unlike other transition initiatives worldwide). Instead, it seeks to provide a narrative that identifies community activities as being ‘transitional’ and links the many community initiatives together. The facebook page and email list for ‘members’ drives this connection. As an organisation, there was an early steering committee, which has devolved into an ’empty-centered’ structure. The only ‘role’ is a network coordinator maintaining the facebook site, the email list, and a small amount of funds held by the Denmark Environment Centre (coordinator currently Donald Clarke).

Some of the significant initiatives that TKD has been involved with over the last 10 years were fostering a local food produce group, a local food market, support for the Denmark Environment Centre to have a ‘transition’ as well as a natural environment focus, supporting a plastic bag free campaign, a family cycling group, a local business sustainability survey in association with the Chamber of Commerce, organis gardening workshops, and early support for the Sustainability Expo. All these initiatives have moved on of their own accord under their own community group.

Important community ‘transitional’ projects in Denmark WA include: Denmark Community Windfarm, Denmark Tip Shop, Plastic Bag Free Denmark WA, the DecoHousing eco-Village project, Denmark Kwoorabup Local Markets, Denmark Local Produce ,Denmark Produce Swap, Denmark Bike Plan, Green Town Project, Mustard Seed Op-Shop, plus many others big and small…

What are we “transitioning” towards?
Whether we like it or not, over the next decade or two, we’ll be transitioning to local strategies for building low carbon, resilient communities able to respond to the challenges of climate change, resource depletion and environmental degradation.. There are a variety of possible outcomes depending on whether we stick our heads in the sand or whether we start working for a future that we want. Transition Initiatives, community by community, are actively and cooperatively creating happier, fairer and stronger communities, places that work for the people living in them and are far better suited to dealing with the shocks that’ll accompany our economic and energy challenges and a climate in chaos – RESILIENCE! And RELOCALISATION for it own sake – just because it is more fun to have local food, local skills, local energy, local anything!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Transition Australia


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Transition Kwoorabup Denmark

Facebook: Transition Kwoorabup Denmark