Totally Renewable Phillip Island

Phillip Island became the first community in Bass Coast to embrace the challenge of going 100% renewable. The response at the public meeting to the motion that ‘Phillip Island will be a carbon neutral community by 2030 through our collective efforts to use clean, efficient energy, reduce pollution and offset emissions was an overwhelming yes. Based in VIC.


Totally reNewable Phillip Island was initiated in June 2018…after a community energy public forum organised by the Energy Innovation Co-operative in partnership with the Phillip Island Community and Learning Centre, Phillip Island Landcare Group, Phillip Island Conservation Society, Boomerang Bags and Plastic-free Phillip Island and San Remo. Community enthusiasm was high after hearing from others leading their communities across Victoria such as Taryn Lane from Hepburn Shire Zero-net Energy Towns and Matt Charles Jones from Totally Renewable Yackandandah. With already high levels of activity around the environment and sustainability on Phillip Island, committing to make the community zero-emissions and powered by 100% renewables in 10 years was a no brainer. Phillip Island became the first community in Bass Coast to embrace the challenge of going 100% renewable. The response at the public meeting to the motion that ‘Phillip Island will be a carbon neutral community by 2030 through our collective efforts to use clean, efficient energy, reduce pollution and offset emissions was an overwhelming yes.

A series of three workshops over two days, were held in July 2018 to build on this momentum and enthusiasm and to put in place strategies to progress Totally reNewable Phillip Island. The workshop series was well attended and received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with many participants eager to progress to action. The whole workshop series created a framework that identifies six focus areas– Clean energy, Toward zero emissions transport, Carbon farming, Carbon accounting, Food and waste, Education and communication.

Achievements to date
2018 June 1 Island wide emissions audit
2019 Aug 21 Bass Coast Council declares climate emergency
Sept 8 Public open day: Carbon insetting auction set a world record $800 for a tonne of Carbon
Sept 19 Solar for Cowes Early Learning Centre
Oct 16 Newhaven Primary agrees to be pilot school for education program on reducing carbon emissions and moving towards a cleaner future
Oct 17 Renewable Roadmap information day
Nov 1 Community engagement van commences summer engagements in our region
Dec 2 Five farms carbon soil tested to begin carbon farming using regenerative practice
Dec 7 TRPI begins Island feasibility study. Results underpin future renewable activities for our community
Communit engagement van attending community events
Feb 1 Seven farms practicing Regenerative Carbon Farming
Feb 10 Education Pilot at Newhaven Primary School. Kids join 6 Working Group’s with TRPI mentors, similar to TRPI Working Group’s – Pandemic interrupted final session on March 27. School has welcomed us back in 2021
April 23 Call out made to residents and businesses on Phillip Island and San Remo to share their electricity usage for pre-feasibility study.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Totally Renewable Phillip Island

Facebook: Totally Renewable Phillip Island

Youtube: Totally Renewable Phillip Island