Tomorrow Movement

Tomorrow Movement are an unstoppable movement of young people fighting for a society with good jobs, great public services and a safe climate for all.


We are an unstoppable movement of young people fighting for a society with good jobs, great public services and a safe climate for all. We are organising young people all over the country to fight for a tomorrow that works for everyone, not just big business.

Our Story.
Our future is under threat. We are facing an uncertain future: our planet, our democracy and our economy are in crisis. For generations, summer used to be a time of fun and relaxation, but now climate change brings the danger and anxiety of record-breaking heat waves and catastrophic bushfires. We can no longer count on basic necessities like a secure job, stable housing or even medical care. Our government has become a tool of big business, enriching themselves and blocking action that would solve this crisis and improve our lives. We can make our lives better. Together we have the skills, resources and time to solve the climate crisis. We could build a society with good jobs, stable housing and more time for all of us to enjoy life with our family and friends. By taking our democracy back from big business we can get to work for each other instead of creating more wealth for the 1%. We can build a world with dignity and justice for all, where we live meaningful and fulfilling lives in harmony with our planet and each other. But a greedy few are driving us towards disaster.

Our world is being driven to destruction by a handful of billionaires. They are poisoning our air, water and land for their own profits. They get away with it by capturing our democracy and spreading lies in the media. They believe that their immense wealth will shield them from the crisis they are fuelling while the rest of us are denied our basic necessities. They have built a world that works for them, not for us. We won’t let them divide us. To keep their power, big business pit us against each other based on the colour of our skin, where we went to school and who we love. They tell us we have to spend our lives competing for underpaid jobs, while they get richer every day. They claim some children must grow up breathing polluted air so that others can have air-conditioning. They divide us so that they can continue to exploit us and our planet without consequence. We won’t be divided anymore. United, we will win. We are ordinary young people, prepared to do what it takes to win back our democracy. We are bringing people together in all parts of the country to stand up for our future. Everyone has a role to play in this movement and we are ready to get to work. Public opinion is already behind us and the winds of history are at our back. Together we are fighting because our future depends on it, and we will win. Join Us

Our Plan To Win
We know that taking our democracy back from big business and building a tomorrow that works for all of us won’t be easy.nIt’s going to take all of us leading in our communities, taking collective action that raises the urgency of this crisis and contesting for power. Our plan has three pillars
• Pillar one: Build an unstoppable movement of young people that puts undeniable pressure on our government.
• Pillar two: Create a new political common sense that can unite movements for justice to win a world that works for all.
• Pillar three: Turn the power of the movement into lasting political change for justice.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Tomorrow Movement

Facebook: Tomorrow Movement

X: Tomorrow Movement

Instagram: Tomorrow Movement